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The Ssangyong Owners Club Meet "Wings & Wheels" Open day Coventry

Show review by Pete (Crazy Musso):
Sunday August 21st saw the first attendance at a show for the Ssangyong Club, when a few of us attended a "Wings & Wheels" open day at the Midland Air Museum, Coventry Airport... I am a volunteer there, and also bring along my motorcycle owners club every year, so this time I invited anyone interested from our club to come along too... I arrived early on Saturday morning to set up various displays, before retiring to a local hotel for the night ready for the big day...  Sunday dawned dry and sunny, with the distinct possibility of a good day ahead. Once I had arrived on site, it wasn't long before Musso's started to appear within the grounds of the Museum.

We were able to display next to the resident aircraft, which makes for some interesting photography...

I had a gazebo set up over my tailgate so that I could run my laptop in the boot showing various Video clips relating to the club, including Andi's "Wales Meet" video of course!
The arrival of Rob's "Monster Musso" certainly raised a few eyebrows, as it towers above our UK models... I tried to enhance the size by getting Rob to drive onto a borrowed car ramp on one wheel - purely for effect of course! (I pinched the idea from a nearby Landrover dealer forecourt).
The weather was outstanding, and we all enjoyed the relaxing surroundings of the Museum. Picnic hampers were soon out, and easy chairs spread out behind the Musso's.... It was nice to see a few new faces amongst those attending, and especially good to meet Rob and his family having travelled the furthest recorded distance ever for a museum event, as well as our club meets...
This was a first for the club, but I hope it won't be the last? If the Museum puts on the same kind of event next year, it would be great to see the visitors expand... We are able to put on an interesting display without too much effort, and it adds to the publicity for the club....
So a big thanks to Alan and Hazel, Gareth and Vicky, Paul, Jill and family, Rob and Family for making the effort.
Pete B aka Crazy Musso 

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